Surprise Engagement :: Audrey + Caleb

It was a warm, windy afternoon by the pond. They were fishing. After she caught a fish, he told her he was tired of fishing and they returned the poles to the golf cart. She noticed her grandmother peeking through the glass door with her binoculars, but thought nothing of it because she had always done that when Audrey was down by the pond with friends. Then once Caleb turned around, got on one knee, and pulled out the beautiful ring, she knew all too well why the binoculars were peering their way.

“We met in my backyard, got engaged in her backyard,” Caleb told me later. I loved how simple and beautiful their joy was. Anyone can see they are completely smitten with each other. Audrey told me about how when she was in 8th grade, she went over to her friend’s house. Lo and behold, her best friend’s brother had a friend over as well. They were seniors and honestly, she didn’t think much about it until one night roasting s’mores around a campfire when Caleb showed up. During our session, Caleb had a hand-written letter for Audrey that he read aloud to her and then prayed for their future together. I encouraged them to remember this wonderful time because hard times will come and they will want to cling to what is right and true. It’s hard to believe that over 3 weeks ago I didn’t even know the Madden family or Caleb Carr. Audrey’s mom found me on instagram and asked if I’d be able to photograph this engagement. We instantly clicked and they feel like old friends. So glad to have met such great people!

Caleb & Audrey, best wishes for your future marriage! I pray you will both keep Christ at the center. I can’t wait to see what y’all accomplish for God’s kingdom. His work is evident in both of your lives. Taking these photos for both of you was a complete delight.

  1. Sheila Madden says:

    Thank you again Emilee for such a beautiful job capturing Audrey & Caleb just being themselves! Your blog describes them so well! They don’t need frills or hype for others to see their connection. They have a genuine love for each other that will last a lifetime! We appreciate your professionalism, talent and eye for the beautiful but even more, your words of encouragement for these two!!!

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Gilmer, Texas