Travis Henson // HHS Senior 2019

Travis is a true outdoors man. He loves to hunt and it was a neat experience to be able to highlight his interests in that regard. They brought lots of neat ideas to the table including shooting his graduation cap and releasing a confetti gun. Travis has a contagious smile and it only got wider when I mentioned his girlfriend’s name. I photographed her last year. Just in case there was any doubt, he’s crazy about you, Brianna. He told me that he really admires both his parents. They taught him to never stop working hard no matter what and at the end of the day, to give all the glory to God. He shared that although they have had their ups and downs, his parents never stopped supporting him and loving him unconditionally.

Travis, I so enjoyed being your senior photographer. Thanks for being a great Senior Rep! Also, I got your mama to write a little note to you as your senior year comes to a close.


You have made your dad and I so proud of the young man you have turned out to be! Since you were little, you have always been such a strong-willed, independent, hard working, & funny kid. One of your greatest qualities is your love for Jesus. You are not ashamed to stand up and let people know about the love you have for your Savior and for that we are so thankful. 

As you embark on this next journey in life, always keep God at the center of all the things you do. Set your goals like you have always done and dream big because you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Always remember a dream doesn’t become reality through magic. It takes hard work, sweat and determination to make it a reality. 

We love you so much and can’t wait for you to go through this next journey!!


Mom & Dad 

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Gilmer, Texas