Personal: Dear Barrett (year one)


Dear Barrett,

It’s so hard for me to believe that it is time to write this letter. My “goal” is to write you a letter for each birthday. I hope to give them to you when you turn 18. But let’s be honest, I hope to be writing you letters until I’m old and gray and you’re married with kids of your own.

You have taught me so much and honestly, I didn’t expect it. I expected something different and in turn, I was blessed with you and the mess and magic of motherhood. Motherhood is equally hard and amazing. The fierceness of my love is nothing like I’ve ever experienced. You are so curious about life. You study and try to figure all the things out.

Nothing seems wrong in the world when you’re in my arms. It is the closest thing I know to heaven. Watching you sleep calms my soul. When I don’t have the strength to get up again in the night, the Lord is so faithful to provide the energy.

I have learned a lot about “productivity” and what that looks like with you, sweet one. It means lots of playing and laughing and enjoying the moment. It means that chores can wait. You are so fun and I love seeing life through your eyes. Every new discovery delights your soul and that makes me smile so ridiculously big.

B, you are determined. You are persistent and strong-willed. Some may call that hard-headed. Bless your heart! You get that personality trait from both sides. I love that you don’t give up when it means trying new things like walking. I hate that you don’t give up when you touch things you’re not supposed to like dog food or electric cords.

What an amazing year this has been! We have both grown and changed. We have both learned new things. We continue to pray for you and the man God has for you to be. The Lord is so gracious to give us this wonderful year of you. Here’s to 100 more!

You are such a joy.

You are valued.

You are so loved.

Happy 1st birthday, Barrett Allen Harborth! We love you!




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