3 reasons why a family portrait session is SO important

I have had this conversation numerous times over the past year and thought it was time I wrote a blog post about it. These next few words are really my heart for why I do what I do. Why is it really important to book those family sessions year after year? Well, here we go…

1. Babies grow up.

Unfortunately, friends, time waits on no one. Those beautiful kids of yours are growing up right before your eyes. We will all stand in disbelief when the day comes for our kids to graduate from high school. Ask all those senior mamas if you need some proof to back this statement up. What a treasure to be able to show your kids how they changed throughout the years.

2. Seasons change.

We all have seasons in life that are harder than others. Sometimes we want documentation of that, sometimes we want to forget it all together. Your story matters. This life you share with those closest to you matters. Take time to document it. During hard times, I am always so glad I take a moment to write out my thoughts. It is such a good reminder for me to see the Lord’s faithfulness in it all.

3. Remember your life.

Your photos should make you feel something. You should be able to look back on these memories and smile. One day these portraits will be all that fills your home, until grandkids come along. They also will be what your family treasures once you pass on. They will want the photos with mom and dad. Your kids will remember the fun they had growing up. Don’t wait because you hate the way you look or because life is too busy. I promise you won’t regret investing time and money in a quality session. When that email arrives, you will open it with glee and smile looking at that precious family of yours.

You will be so glad you made the time to book a family session. You will fill your walls with beautiful photos and you will smile each time your eyes glance that way. Let me know if I can help!

  1. […] « 3 reasons why a family portrait session is SO important […]

  2. I like that you said how you’ll cover your walls with lovely pictures and beam every time your eyes wander there. We will be celebrating the holiday this year in our house together with my relatives. I’ll keep in mind to take Family Portrait Sessions to keep as a memory we can all look back into, thanks to your advice!

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Gilmer, Texas