Dear Barrett, You’re Three!

Dear Barrett,

You’re 3! Oh my! I can’t believe how fast these past 3 years have gone. I just read over the last 2 letters I wrote you on your birthday. They made me all weepy because you’re growing up SO fast and I can’t seem to find the “pause” button.

I made you take a nap today much to your disdain and I have a few moments before I wake you to type out my thoughts about your third birthday.

You bring SO much joy to our lives! Never have I ever gotten so excited about seeing a skidloader or any other construction vehicle, but thanks to YOU, we are constantly on the hunt for them. We visit the construction sites around town daily.

You are ridiculously smart and constantly soaking in all the things. It amazes us how much you remember and how delightful your conversations are with us. We love hearing you sing songs about Jesus and wanting to pray before meals. It is amazing to me how the Lord can teach us even at such a young age about who He is.

You are learning about this big world and seeing all that it has to offer. As you get older, I wish I could protect you from hurt. I know I that I won’t be able to, so I pray that Jesus will remind you He is there with you always. I pray continuously that you will show others the love that you have been showered with. You are so blessed to have a whole tribe of people who are crazy about you!

I seriously cannot see through my tears. I had no idea how hard it’d be to write this letter to you today. So beyond grateful the Lord saw it fit to bless our lives with you! Thank you for bringing so much joy into our lives! We will continue to learn and grow on this journey together. I can’t wait to see what all this next year brings.

Love you so much,


toy story birthday toy story birthday toy story birthday toy story birthday toy story birthday

  1. Ann Brown says:

    Barrett is so fortunate to have such a sweet family and a dedicated mom and dad. He is blessed also with the very best grandparents ever, love all his parents and grand and great grands. Wish that I could write like you but it comes from my heart. Keep doing what you are doing and he will grow up to be a very good young man. As long as Barrett keeps his eyes on the Lord he will be fine. Love you and your families. Ann Brown

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Gilmer, Texas