Choo, Choo, Barrett is TWO!

Dear Barrett,

You are two! I can hardly believe it. Where have these 2 years gone?! We celebrated yesterday with a train birthday party. More photos from that soon! You are doing so much and talking non-stop. Things are getting quite fun around here. You still don’t like to go bed at night unless you’re exhausted and you always want things to go your way. We are getting better at navigating your allergies, but there are still so many questions to be answered and things to be figured out. You crack us up with your ridiculously funny sense of humor. I gave you a birthday cupcake for breakfast this morning and you loved it. Thankful for delicious recipes that are dairy and egg-free.

You loved when everyone sang to you yesterday and you also love to sing “Happy Birthday” to yourself. You delight in life and everything is magic through your eyes. Thanks for helping me slow down to see the magic that is life. We love you with all that we are and we pray BIG things for your life. We know you’ll be a great leader one day with that strong will of yours.

Thanking God for giving us this precious gift of YOU!

Love you so much,


p.s. Here is last year’s letter.

train birthday photos train birthday photos train birthday photos train birthday photostrain birthday photos train birthday photos

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Gilmer, Texas